List of all Top level Domains

A list of All the top level domains from IANA. A description and catgeory is included. The data is available as a CSV file or JSON file download, or by accessing our dedicated API endpoint directly.

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aaaAmerican Automobile Association, Inc.generic
abarthFiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V.generic
abbABB Ltdgeneric
abbottAbbott Laboratories, Inc.generic
abbvieAbbVie Inc.generic
abcDisney Enterprises, Inc.generic
ableAble Inc.generic
abogadoTop Level Domain Holdings Limitedgeneric
abudhabiAbu Dhabi Systems and Information Centregeneric
acAscension Islandcountry-code
academyBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
accentureAccenture plcgeneric
accountantdot Accountant Limitedgeneric
accountantsBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
acoACO Severin Ahlmann GmbH & Co. KGgeneric
activeActive Network, LLCgeneric
actorUnited TLD Holdco Ltd.generic
adAndorra (Principality of)country-code
adacAllgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club e.V. (ADAC)generic
adsCharleston Road Registry Inc.generic
adultICM Registry AD LLCgeneric
aeUnited Arab Emiratescountry-code
aegAktiebolaget Electroluxgeneric
aeroAir-transport industrysponsored
aetnaAetna Life Insurance Companygeneric
afAfghanistan (Islamic Republic of)country-code
afamilycompanyJohnson Shareholdings, Inc.generic
aflAustralian Football Leaguegeneric
africaZA Central Registry NPC trading as Registry.Africageneric
agAntigua and Barbudacountry-code
agakhanFondation Aga Khan (Aga Khan Foundation)generic
agencyBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
aigAmerican International Group, Inc.generic
aigoaigo Digital Technology Co,Ltd.generic
airbusAirbus S.A.S.generic
airforceUnited TLD Holdco Ltd.generic
airtelBharti Airtel Limitedgeneric
akdnFondation Aga Khan (Aga Khan Foundation)generic
alAlbania (Republic of)country-code
alfaromeoFiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V.generic
alibabaAlibaba Group Holding Limitedgeneric
alipayAlibaba Group Holding Limitedgeneric
allfinanzAllfinanz Deutsche Vermögensberatung Aktiengesellschaftgeneric
allstateAllstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Companygeneric
allyAlly Financial Inc.generic
alsaceREGION GRAND ESTgeneric
amArmenia (Republic of)country-code
americanexpressAmerican Express Travel Related Services Company, Inc.generic
americanfamilyAmFam, Inc.generic
amexAmerican Express Travel Related Services Company, Inc.generic
amfamAmFam, Inc.generic
amicaAmica Mutual Insurance Companygeneric
amsterdamGemeente Amsterdamgeneric
anNetherlands Antillescountry-code
analyticsCampus IP LLCgeneric
androidCharleston Road Registry Inc.generic
anquanQIHOO 360 TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD.generic
anzAustralia and New Zealand Banking Group Limitedgeneric
aoAngola (Republic of)country-code
aolOATH Inc.generic
apartmentsBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
appCharleston Road Registry Inc.generic
appleApple Inc.generic
arArgentina (Argentine Republic)country-code
arabLeague of Arab Statesgeneric
aramcoAramco Services Companygeneric
armyUnited TLD Holdco Ltd.generic
arpaAddress and Routing Parameter Areainfrastructure
artUK Creative Ideas Limitedgeneric
arteAssociation Relative à la Télévision Européenne G.E.I.E.generic
asAmerican Samoacountry-code
asdaWal-Mart Stores, Inc.generic
asiaOrganisations and individuals in the Asia-Pacific regionsponsored
associatesBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
atAustria (Republic of)country-code
athletaThe Gap, Inc.generic
attorneyUnited TLD Holdco, Ltdgeneric
auAustralia (Commonwealth of)country-code
auctionUnited TLD HoldCo, Ltd.generic
audiAUDI Aktiengesellschaftgeneric
audibleAmazon Registry Services, Inc.generic
audioUniregistry, Corp.generic
auspostAustralian Postal Corporationgeneric
authorAmazon Registry Services, Inc.generic
autoCars Registry Limitedgeneric
autosDERAutos, LLCgeneric
aviancaAerovias del Continente Americano S.A. Aviancageneric
awsAmazon Registry Services, Inc.generic
axÅland Islandscountry-code
axaAXA SAgeneric
azAzerbaijan (Republic of)country-code
azureMicrosoft Corporationgeneric
baBosnia and Herzegovinacountry-code
babyJohnson & Johnson Services, Inc.generic
baiduBaidu, Inc.generic
banamexCitigroup Inc.generic
bananarepublicThe Gap, Inc.generic
bandUnited TLD Holdco, Ltdgeneric
bankfTLD Registry Services, LLCgeneric
barPunto 2012 Sociedad Anonima Promotora de Inversion de Capital Variablegeneric
barcelonaMunicipi de Barcelonageneric
barclaycardBarclays Bank PLCgeneric
barclaysBarclays Bank PLCgeneric
barefootGallo Vineyards, Inc.generic
bargainsBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
baseballMLB Advanced Media DH, LLCgeneric
basketballFédération Internationale de Basketball (FIBA)generic
bauhausWerkhaus GmbHgeneric
bayernBayern Connect GmbHgeneric
bbcBritish Broadcasting Corporationgeneric
bbtBB&T Corporationgeneric
bcgThe Boston Consulting Group, Inc.generic
bcnMunicipi de Barcelonageneric
bdBangladesh (People's Republic of)country-code
beBelgium (Kingdom of)country-code
beatsBeats Electronics, LLCgeneric
beerTop Level Domain Holdings Limitedgeneric
bentleyBentley Motors Limitedgeneric
berlindotBERLIN GmbH & Co. KGgeneric
bestBestTLD Pty Ltdgeneric
bestbuyBBY Solutions, Inc.generic
betAfilias plcgeneric
bfBurkina Fasocountry-code
bgBulgaria (Republic of)country-code
bhBahrain (Kingdom of)country-code
bhartiBharti Enterprises (Holding) Private Limitedgeneric
biBurundi (Republic of)country-code
bibleAmerican Bible Societygeneric
biddot Bid Limitedgeneric
bikeBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
bingMicrosoft Corporationgeneric
bingoBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
bjBenin (Republic of)country-code
blSaint Barthélemy (Collectivity of) {unassigned - see also: .gp and .fr}country-code
blackAfilias plcgeneric
blackfridayUniregistry, Corp.generic
blancoBLANCO GmbH + Co KGgeneric
blockbusterDish DBS Corporationgeneric
blogKnock Knock WHOIS There, LLCgeneric
bloombergBloomberg IP Holdings LLCgeneric
blueAfilias plcgeneric
bmsBristol-Myers Squibb Companygeneric
bmwBayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaftgeneric
bnBrunei (Nation of Brunei - the Abode of Peace) [Negara Brunei Darussalam]country-code
bnlBanca Nazionale del Lavorogeneric
bnpparibasBNP Paribasgeneric
boBolivia (Plurinational State of)country-code
boatsDERBoats, LLCgeneric
boehringerBoehringer Ingelheim International GmbHgeneric
bofaBank of America Corporationgeneric
bomNúcleo de Informação e Coordenação do Ponto BR - NIC.brgeneric
bondBond University Limitedgeneric
booCharleston Road Registry Inc.generic
bookAmazon Registry Services, Inc.generic B.V.generic
bootsNot assignedgeneric
boschRobert Bosch GMBHgeneric
bostikBostik SAgeneric
bostonBoston TLD Management, LLCgeneric
botAmazon Registry Services, Inc.generic
boutiqueBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
boxNS1 Limitedgeneric
bqCaribbean Netherlands [Bonaire - Sint Eustatius and Saba] {unassigned - see also: .an and .nl}country-code
brBrazil (Federative Republic of)country-code
bradescoBanco Bradesco S.A.generic
bridgestoneBridgestone Corporationgeneric
broadwayCelebrate Broadway, Inc.generic
brotherBrother Industries, Ltd.generic vzwgeneric
bsBahamas (Commonwealth of the)country-code
btBhutan (Kingdom of)country-code
budapestTop Level Domain Holdings Limitedgeneric
bugattiBugatti International SAgeneric
buildPlan Bee LLCgeneric
buildersBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
businessBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
buyAmazon Registry Services, INCgeneric
buzzDOTSTRATEGY CO.generic
bvBouvet Islandcountry-code
bwBotswana (Republic of)country-code
byBelarus (Republic of)country-code
bzhAssociation www.bzhgeneric
cabBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
cafeBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
calCharleston Road Registry Inc.generic
callAmazon Registry Services, Inc.generic
calvinkleinPVH gTLD Holdings LLCgeneric
camAC Webconnecting Holding B.V.generic
cameraBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
campBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
cancerresearchAustralian Cancer Research Foundationgeneric
canonCanon Inc.generic
capetownZA Central Registry NPC trading as ZA Central Registrygeneric
capitalBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
capitaloneCapital One Financial Corporationgeneric
carCars Registry Limitedgeneric
caravanCaravan International, Inc.generic
cardsBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
careBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
careerdotCareer LLCgeneric
careersBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
carsCars Registry Limitedgeneric
cartierRichemont DNS Inc.generic
casaTop Level Domain Holdings Limitedgeneric
caseCNH Industrial N.V.generic
caseihCNH Industrial N.V.generic
cashBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
casinoBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
cateringBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
catholicPontificium Consilium de Comunicationibus Socialibus (PCCS) (Pontifical Council for Social Communication)generic
cbnThe Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc.generic
cbreCBRE, Inc.generic
cbsCBS Domains Inc.generic
ccCocos (Keeling) Islands (Territory of the)country-code
cdCongo (Democratic Republic of the) [Congo-Kinshasa]country-code
cebThe Corporate Executive Board Companygeneric
centerBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
ceoCEOTLD Pty Ltdgeneric
cernEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research ("CERN")generic
cfCentral African Republiccountry-code
cfaCFA Institutegeneric
cgCongo (Republic of) [Congo-Brazzaville]country-code
chSwitzerland (Swiss Confederation)country-code
chanelChanel International B.V.generic
channelCharleston Road Registry Inc.generic
charityCorn Lake, LLCgeneric
chaseJPMorgan Chase Bank, National Associationgeneric
chatBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
cheapBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
chintaiCHINTAI Corporationgeneric
chloeNot assignedgeneric
christmasUniregistry, Corp.generic
chromeCharleston Road Registry Inc.generic
chryslerFCA US LLC.generic
churchBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
ciIvory Coast (Republic of Côte d'Ivoire)country-code
ciprianiHotel Cipriani Srlgeneric
circleAmazon Registry Services, Inc.generic
ciscoCisco Technology, Inc.generic
citadelCitadel Domain LLCgeneric
citiCitigroup Inc.generic
citicCITIC Group Corporationgeneric
cityBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
cityeatsLifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc.generic
ckCook Islandscountry-code
clChile (Republic of)country-code
claimsBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
cleaningBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
clickUniregistry, Corp.generic
clinicBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
cliniqueThe Estée Lauder Companies Inc.generic
clothingBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
cloudARUBA PEC S.p.A.generic
club.CLUB DOMAINS, LLCgeneric
clubmedClub Méditerranée S.A.generic
cmCameroon (Republic of)country-code
cnChina (People's Republic of)country-code
coColombia (Republic of)country-code
coachBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
codesBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
coffeeBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
collegeXYZ.COM LLCgeneric
colognedotKoeln GmbHgeneric
comCommercial organizationsgeneric
comcastComcast IP Holdings I, LLCgeneric
communityBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
companyBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
compareiSelect Ltdgeneric
computerBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
comsecVeriSign, Inc.generic
condosBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
constructionBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
consultingUnited TLD Holdco, LTD.generic
contactTop Level Spectrum, Inc.generic
contractorsBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
cookingTop Level Domain Holdings Limitedgeneric
cookingchannelLifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc.generic
coolBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
corsicaCollectivité Territoriale de Corsegeneric
countryTop Level Domain Holdings Limitedgeneric
couponAmazon Registry Services, Inc.generic
couponsBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
crCosta Rica (Republic of)country-code
creditBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
creditcardBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
creditunionCUNA Performance Resources, LLCgeneric
cricketdot Cricket Limitedgeneric
crownCrown Equipment Corporationgeneric
crsFederated Co-operatives Limitedgeneric
cruiseViking River Cruises (Bermuda) Ltd.generic
cruisesBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
cscAlliance-One Services, Inc.generic
cuCuba (Republic of)country-code
cuisinellaSALM S.A.S.generic
cvCape Verde (Republic of)country-code
cwCuraçao (Country of)country-code
cxChristmas Island (Territory of)country-code
cyCyprus (Republic of)country-code
cymruNominet UKgeneric
cyouBeijing Gamease Age Digital Technology Co., Ltd.generic
czCzech Republiccountry-code
daburDabur India Limitedgeneric
dadCharleston Road Registry Inc.generic
danceUnited TLD Holdco Ltd.generic
dataDish DBS Corporationgeneric
datedot Date Limitedgeneric
datingBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
datsunNISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD.generic
dayCharleston Road Registry Inc.generic
dclkCharleston Road Registry Inc.generic
ddsMinds + Machines Group Limitedgeneric
deGermany (Federal Republic of)country-code
dealAmazon Registry Services, Inc.generic
dealerDealer Dot Com, Inc.generic
dealsBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
degreeUnited TLD Holdco, Ltdgeneric
deliveryBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
dellDell Inc.generic
deloitteDeloitte Touche Tohmatsugeneric
deltaDelta Air Lines, Inc.generic
democratUnited TLD Holdco Ltd.generic
dentalBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
dentistUnited TLD Holdco, Ltdgeneric
desiDesi Networks LLCgeneric
designTop Level Design, LLCgeneric
devCharleston Road Registry Inc.generic
dhlDeutsche Post AGgeneric
diamondsBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
dietUniregistry, Corp.generic
digitalBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
directBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
directoryBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
discountBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
discoverDiscover Financial Servicesgeneric
dishDish DBS Corporationgeneric
diyLifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc.generic
djDjibouti (Republic of)country-code
dkDenmark (Kingdom of)country-code
dmDominica (Commonwealth of)country-code
dnpDai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.generic
doDominican Republiccountry-code
docsCharleston Road Registry Inc.generic
doctorBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
dodgeFCA US LLC.generic
dogBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
dohaCommunications Regulatory Authority (CRA)generic
domainsBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
dotDish DBS Corporationgeneric
downloaddot Support Limitedgeneric
driveCharleston Road Registry Inc.generic
dtvDish DBS Corporationgeneric
dubaiDubai Smart Government Departmentgeneric
duckJohnson Shareholdings, Inc.generic
dunlopThe Goodyear Tire & Rubber Companygeneric
dunsThe Dun & Bradstreet Corporationgeneric
dupontE. I. du Pont de Nemours and Companygeneric
durbanZA Central Registry NPC trading as ZA Central Registrygeneric
dvagDeutsche Vermögensberatung Aktiengesellschaft DVAGgeneric
dvrHughes Satellite Systems Corporationgeneric
dzAlgeria (People's Democratic Republic of)country-code
earthInterlink Co., Ltd.generic
eatCharleston Road Registry Inc.generic
ecEcuador (Republic of)country-code
ecoBig Room Inc.generic
edekaEDEKA Verband kaufmännischer Genossenschaften e.V.generic
eduEducational establishmentssponsored
educationBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
eeEstonia (Republic of)country-code
egEgypt (Arab Republic of)country-code
ehWestern Sahara {reserved}country-code
emailBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
emerckMerck KGaAgeneric
energyBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
engineerUnited TLD Holdco Ltd.generic
engineeringBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
enterprisesBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
epostDeutsche Post AGgeneric
epsonSeiko Epson Corporationgeneric
equipmentBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
erEritrea (State of)country-code
ericssonTelefonaktiebolaget L M Ericssongeneric
erniERNI Group Holding AGgeneric
esSpain (Kingdom of)country-code
esqCharleston Road Registry Inc.generic
estateBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
esuranceEsurance Insurance Companygeneric
etEthiopia (Federal Democratic Republic of)country-code
etisalatEmirates Telecommunications Corporation (trading as Etisalat)generic
euEuropean Unioncountry-code
eurovisionEuropean Broadcasting Union (EBU)generic
eusPuntueus Fundazioageneric
eventsBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
exchangeBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
expertBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
exposedBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
expressBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
extraspaceExtra Space Storage LLCgeneric
fageFage International S.A.generic
failBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
fairwindsFairWinds Partners, LLCgeneric
faithdot Faith Limitedgeneric
familyUnited TLD Holdco Ltd.generic
fanAsiamix Digital Ltdgeneric
fansAsiamix Digital Limitedgeneric
farmBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
farmersFarmers Insurance Exchangegeneric
fashionTop Level Domain Holdings Limitedgeneric
fastAmazon Registry Services, Inc.generic
fedexFederal Express Corporationgeneric
feedbackTop Level Spectrum, Inc.generic
ferrariFiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V.generic
ferreroFerrero Trading Lux S.A.generic
fiFinland (Republic of)country-code
fiatFiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V.generic
fidelityFidelity Brokerage Services LLCgeneric
fidoRogers Communications Canada Inc.generic
filmMotion Picture Domain Registry Pty Ltdgeneric
finalNúcleo de Informação e Coordenação do Ponto BR - NIC.brgeneric
financeBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
financialBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
fireAmazon Registry Services, Inc.generic
firestoneBridgestone Licensing Services, Inc.generic
firmdaleFirmdale Holdings Limitedgeneric
fishBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
fishingTop Level Domain Holdings Limitedgeneric
fitMinds + Machines Group Limitedgeneric
fitnessBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
fjFiji (Republic of)country-code
fkFalkland Islands (Malvinas)country-code
flickrYahoo! Domain Services Inc.generic
flightsBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
flirFLIR Systems, Inc.generic
floristBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
flowersUniregistry, Corp.generic
flyCharleston Road Registry Inc.generic
fmMicronesia (Federated States of)country-code
foFaroe Islandscountry-code
fooCharleston Road Registry Inc.generic
foodLifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc.generic
foodnetworkLifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc.generic
footballBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
fordFord Motor Companygeneric
forsaleUnited TLD Holdco, LLCgeneric
forumFegistry, LLCgeneric
foundationBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
foxFOX Registry, LLCgeneric
frFrance (French Republic)country-code
freeAmazon Registry Services, Inc.generic
freseniusFresenius Immobilien-Verwaltungs-GmbHgeneric
frlFRLregistry B.V.generic
frontdoorLifestyle Domain Holdings, Inc.generic
frontierFrontier Communications Corporationgeneric
ftrFrontier Communications Corporationgeneric
fujitsuFujitsu Limitedgeneric
fujixeroxXerox DNHC LLCgeneric
funDotSpace, Inc.generic
fundBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
furnitureBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
futbolUnited TLD Holdco, Ltd.generic
fyiBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
gaGabon (Gabonese Republic)country-code
galAsociación puntoGALgeneric
galleryBinky Moon, LLCgeneric
galloGallo Vineyards, Inc.generic
gallupGallup, Inc.generic
gameUniregistry, Corp.generic
gamesUnited TLD Holdco Ltd.generic
gapThe Gap, Inc.generic
gardenTop Level Domain Holdings Limitedgeneric
gbUnited Kingdom (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)country-code
gbizCharleston Road Registry Inc.generic
gdnJoint Stock Company "Navigation-information systems"generic
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